Bangalore is one of the fastest growing city in all of Asia. According to the Bangalore Innovation Report, with projected GDP growth of 8.5%, Bangalore will be the world’s fastest growing city until 2035. Bangalore also holds a 6% growth of population and a 90.94% urbanization rate.
This fast-pacing city needs variety in every choice. Every house in this city is unique and needs different specifications accordingly. A villa with huge available space for furniture would need not have a regular 3-seater sofa like in apartments. Likewise, a small house with a single room probably cannot accommodate a king sized cot. Availability of dedicated space plays a very important role in the selection of appropriate sofa.
Furniture dealers throughout our country usually follow up on standard measurements. Not just in our country but also the world with their own standards. Most of the times customers have to purchase the regular sized ones which usually does not fit their exact expectations. People have to usually buy from these sources throughout. This is a major disadvantage as people have to gradually adapt to the furniture rather than buying a sofa which fits their needs. This discomfort is massive than it seems. People have been adapting to various situations life throws at them. Hence, they completely deserve a healthy resting space. But life due to this ‘standards’ has been not so soothing.
Though Bangalore is such a fast pacing city it is not flooded enough with ‘customized sofa dealers’ yet. The solution to all the problems set by standards is to break free, choose what our heart desires. We deserve more customization options with regards to our furniture. From upholstery till cushioning, from wood to steel, from colours to leathers, variety of options increases the chances of super relaxation; Not everyone’s choices and affordability are closer to others. We are a species of unique preferences. And most importantly the spaces we live in demand variety. The more we get to recuperate, the better our lives shall feel.